
Safety of all is a critical component of everything we do at Waterford Boat Club. This section contains links to our various safety documents and some advisory notices as well.

Basic Safety Rules

In addition to the sections above there are some basic safety rules that must be followed by all members

  • You must wash your hands thoroughly after training sessions to avoid water borne infections.
  • Any injuries must be reported to a coach or volunteer.
  • You must wear a High-Vis when training on the water.
  • Adhere to coaches instructions at all times.
  • Complete concentration when boat handling, no chatting or messing when handling boats.
  • Don’t run on the pontoon/ramp and don’t ever run in the boat house.
  • No hanging around on the pontoon when you’re not needed there.
  • Mobile phones must be left in the changing room. They have no place in our training sessions.